Designed to Perform: Adapting a Champion’s Mindset for Success at Work | Errick McAdams, Brandon Larcom, Madeleine Crippen

Gensler Design Exchange Podcast
3 min readJul 15, 2021


NCR Midtown | © Garrett Rowland

Employee wellbeing isn’t a program or an item on an HR checklist. It’s a business strategy aimed at increasing employee productivity, enhancing engagement, and improving overall health and happiness in the workplace. And like any good business strategy, it’s ongoing, targeted, and essential to what defines your organization and its success.

After an immensely challenging pandemic year, employee wellbeing is more important than ever. And as we gear up for the Olympics, kicking off on July 23, 2021, we’re talking with athletes to discuss how a lifestyle of health and wellbeing can help build up endurance in both the body and mind — positively impacting your workplace productivity and problem-solving abilities in the office.

From L-R: Brandon Larcom, Madeleine Crippen, Errick McAdams

Our Gensler Design Exchange podcast guests today include Errick McAdams, a DC-based personal training expert, and Madeleine Crippen, Gensler’s Southeast Regional Marketing Director, who is also an Olympic swimmer. Leading the conversation is Brandon Larcom, Gensler’s Co-Global Director of Product Development and former National Figure Skating champion and fitness product inventor. Together, they will discuss how their personal experiences as athletes have shaped their thinking, their work-lives, and how you can implement some of their favorite mantras and workouts into your daily routine.

The Boro Tysons | © Prakash Patel

Workplace Wellbeing

As businesses gear up to soon welcome their teams back into their offices, they’re seeking new ways to creatively re-strategize and reinvent to bring more joy and a sense of support, community, and even celebration into the workplace. The goal? To make the office a place employees want to be instead of “need” to be.

Wellness is at the forefront of this re-strategizing movement. For years now, we’ve seen an uptick in companies investing in spaces that bring enticing fitness amenities into the office. But after a year of isolation, workplaces are looking to take their commitment to employee health and wellbeing to the next level. From our research, one thing is clear: The workplace will never be the same again. This time of transformation will require poise under pressure as we safely reintegrate into shared spaces and begin to shape the new habits that will form our “next” normal — but it will be worth it.

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Gensler Design Exchange Podcast

The Gensler Design Exchange creates a dialogue between design experts, creative trendsetters & thought leaders to discuss how we can shape the future of cities.